
Floofturbance (floofinition) 1. The act of an animal interrupting an activity or a state of calm. Origins: 13th century, Flemish Floofish

In Use: “The summer’s peaceful evening broke up with a floofturbance out front as two dogs staged a bark-off.”

In Use: “Knowing it would gain attention they could leverage for what they wanted to get, the three house floofs comenced a floofturbance.”

2. Disrupting an animal’s repose or usual procedure or order.

In Use: “A glass bowl slipped out of Becca’s hands and fell to the floor, shattering with an ear-splitting sound and created a floofturbance which sent the cats and dogs sprinting in four different directions — except for Arnold, who leaped up and emphatically barked, “Woof,” just once.”

4 thoughts on “Floofturbance

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  1. Floofturbance is when you’re engrossed in a book or maybe dozing in your chair and the alpha cat decides to leap onto your lap from the bookshelf 4 feet away!!! Oh yes, I know all about floofturbance! But in fairness, I’ve caused a bit of it for them from time to time, too. Hugs ‘n cheers

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