
Cruoof (floofinition) – An intense fatuation with an animal. Origins: Internet, 2022

In Use: “After arriving as a rescue dog at Sara, the senior lab immediately developed a cruoof on the kittens Sara was fostering, inviting them to cuddle and play with him, and watching over them when they ate.”

In Use: “Butterscotch had a cruoof on Mocha, always running to him when she saw him, and grazing beside him as he ate.”

Recent Use: “Lisa developed a cruoof on her aunt’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Samwise, and within a few minutes, the dog seemed to have the same feelings for the four-year-old as the two spent the rest of the day side by side.”

2 thoughts on “Cruoof

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  1. Is floofiness a world of your creation, Michael? I floofily googled this, and the only thing that arose was a Dutch ball player name Johan Cruyff who had a “glittering career” and died of cancer at age 68.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for asking.

      Yes is the short answer.

      But to be more correct, floofiness is part of the larger field of study called floofinitions (which itself is derived from floofology, or the study of animals).

      The series began in 2017 with catfinitions. But I realized with another’s help that some of the matters noticed about cats applied to other animals, so it was expanded to floofinitions to address the issue, Nothing to do with a Dutch player, I’m afraid.

      The first catfinition was catridictory:

      Catridictory (catfinition) – someone who begs and pleads for something from you and then walk away without touching it are said to be catradictory.

      In use: “Meowing, purring, and tapping his leg as she rubbed against his calves, the cat seemed to want food, but the catridictory feline sniffed the food bowl once after he set it down, and silently walked away.”

      Thanks for reading and asking. I appreciate your interest. Cheers


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