
Omnifloof (floofinition) – An animal who seems to be everywhere. Origins: 1598, from Medieval Latin.

In Use: “Once escaped from their nursery, the kittens were omnifloofs, ambushing each other in the living room, cavorting down hallways, exploring the bathroom, but mostly, sizing up humans and inspecting what they were up to.”

Recent Use: “His cat had become an omnifloof. He’d see him sleeping in the living room, then enter the laundry room and find him chowing down kibble there, and then enter the bathroom and see him sitting on the rug. Instead of one cat, it felt like he had five, and they were everywhere!” From The Magic Floof.

One thought on “Omnifloof

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  1. We have a neighborhood omnifloof. This omnifloof can be found going from house to house driving the other floofs crazy. He sleeps on or under the various vehicles, porches, perches, etc. around the block. More than once, I found him sleeping on the cover of our pergola, which is about seven feet in the air. He’s appeared on neighbor roofs as well.

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