
Floofrational (floofinition) Having an understanding or reasonable insight into animal thinking. Origins: Early 1920s western Pennsylvania.

In Use: “Many people believe they’re floofrational but often can’t explain why animals like or choose specific people.”

In Use: “Although Emi thought she understood her dog after living with him for three years, sometimes he began barking for no reason and wouldn’t stop, undermining her floofrational thinking.”

7 thoughts on “Floofrational

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  1. And all this time I thought it was Eastern Pennsylvania!

    That determined kitty reminds me of our late and still lamented collie/shepherd, who grabbed us in the shelter and just held on til we left with him.

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      1. We had a wonderful 16 years with our floof—with a number of them in concert with the kitty who crept under our backyard fence and adopted him as his mom. They were the best of friends.

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  2. I had a cat like that. At the humane society, Bearcat grabbed the bars of the cage as it if to say, “Get me outta here!” The other kittens, probably part of her litter, cowered in the corner of the cage. Of course, I was chosen by the little ball of black fur, who sat on my shoulder as I drove home. She meowed the whole way home, but she was loyal to me until the end almost 22 years later. ~Nan

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