Monday’s Theme Music

Mood: optermined (yes, that’s optimistic and determined: optermined)

Good morning’ sunshine. Good to feel your presence.

And hello, clouds. Not a surprise to see you coming back today. Felt like your visit here wasn’t over.

Hey, winds. You’re here, too? I understand rain is on the way.

That’s the weather set for April’s penultimate day, Monday, April 29, 2024. May is going to kick it on Wednesday.

Well, alright. We’re still experiencing spring. It’s coolish with that wind, and the clouds have more impact than then sun in deciding the temperature. Right now, yeah, 51 F, with a high of 57 F as a maybe top end.

Papi doesn’t approve of this weather. The ginger floof went outside, announced, “This is unacceptable,” stormed back in and headed for bed.

Tucker, my other house floof, just ate, washed, and curled up by my feet, like a worn-out puppy cat.

They were fed and happy. I made coffee and toasted a cinnamon bagel, then added butter, sugar, and cinnamon. I felt like I deserved something extra today. I had things to do and was a little impatient with existence. It was time to get things started.

Triggered by that phrase, The Neurons selected the Lenny Kravitz tune from 2001, “Dig In”, and commenced playing it in the morning mental music stream (Trademark in purgatory). Good theme song. Like the solidly energetic pop rock vibe it carries.

That’s it for this post. Stay fresh, be strong, remain strong, and Vote Blue in 2024. I’m gonna seize the coffee now. Here’s the music. Have a better one, friends. Cheers

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