Thursday’s Theme Music

Mood: entrapped

Started the morning like it felt like spring had spring. Although just 40 F, that spring balminess – spriminess — enveloped my area of Ashlandia, where a river runs through it. This is today, by the way, Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024. It’s now 54 F, though rain has been falling from a swollen gray cloud that hovers over us like it’s hiding a giant alien spaceship.

My day was compromised by the need to be socially responsible and help some friends out. They of the removed gall bladder and limited mobility and freedom previously written of needed grocery shopping done, so we did so. That hoovered up the morning and early afternoon. Delivering the purchases, we then visited with them and emptied the dishwasher, putting those items away as weren’t able to do that for themselves.

I feel for them, though, really and truly. Besides her surgery, she has macular degeneration in her eyes and can barely squint through the day. She recounted being in the hospital unable to work the television remote because she didn’t know what was what. I don’t know why she couldn’t figure that out by trial and error, hit and miss. I suspect she didn’t think of it. BTW, she showed us some of the marbles that were the gallstones removed from her. She informed us that the six we saw were just a small sampling of what’d been removed.

Meanwhile, Mom had another bad fall at her house. Nothing broken but some bruises, contusions, and bleeding. Happened while she was trying to make it to the comode. All this evidence of aging and mortality is deflating. The thing is, I take notes about what happens to them so I’m more prepared, in case they happen to me. But the other thing about aging is that it’s such a personal matter and your experience — what you do and don’t suffer and wha I go through — will be generally the same and unique different.

Today’s song in the morning mental music stream (Trademark delusional) was “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio from 1995. Reading and thinking about Trump and his family and the people who support him inspired The Neurons to play this song. The Neurons began with the lines, “Power and the money, money and the power, minute after minute, hour after hour. Everybody’s runnin’, but half of them ain’t lookin’.” That’s basically what I see in many ways when I see TFG leading the GOP.

Stay as positive as you can while testing negative, staying strong, and leaning forward. Coffee is done for the day. Here’s the music. Cheers

2 thoughts on “Thursday’s Theme Music

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  1. Hi Michael. Sorry to hear your mom is falling a lot, hurting her self. The thing about getting older and have friends that also are older means sharing a lot of social burdens to help each other. I learned something important when I was younger helping others out, everyone always said to me if you ever need out help let me know. I thanked them, but never thought it would come to pass I would need those I had helped to assist me. But years later it came to pass that I needed assistance and to my surprise even without asking many of those I help came to help me. I think in the US, the social isolation we have created in this country for some, it must be horrifying to be older, in need sometimes, and have no one to reach out to. I don’t want that for me, so when possible if I know of my neighbors in need, I join in to help where I can. I have personally seen it repaid. I think from the way you write about this, you have also. Hugs. Scottie


    1. You are so right about the isolation in America, Scottie, and studies have shown socialization has many positive impacts on our health. It has surprised me as I’ve aged how suddenly some of my impairments overtook me. But as health professionals will explain, many things are changing and developing under your skin and inside your body well before the changes manifest in your awareness. That’s why taking care of ourselves from the gitgo is so important. And as you note, that’s why it’s so important to help others, for there will probably be a day when you’re the one in need. Hugs, dude, M

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