Wednesday’s Theme Music

Mood: Superfee

Dawn’s rosy blush quickly accelerated into sharp-edged sunshine. The wind is whispering, “Summer is coming.” 68 F now, we’re expected to troll through the mid 80s as a high in the Churchill Valley where I’m still staying. Clouds are mostly absent but more are expected. So are thunderstorms.

This is Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

Rudy Giuliana and ten others pleaded not guilty Tuesday to nine felony charges accusing them of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results in Arizona. Not surprised that they went with not guilty. Standard reaction. Seems like impressive evidence for the charges exist. These individuals signed documents saying they were the electors when there was all kinds of evidence that they weren’t. The defendants face multiple felony counts, including forgery, conspiracy, and fraud.

But as we see with Trump’s current trial, getting justice delivered hinges on how words are delivered and interpreted. Anyone in a relationship can understand the I said/they said fluidity of the words’ meanings. The same thing has hampered us as a nation for years in the US when discussing the Second Amendment. We’re a nation divided by words.

Actually, it’s more than words dividing us. Serious differences in principles about rights, wealth, government reach, taxes, laws, and justice divide us.

I’ve been watching the Trump Trial on MSNBC. Part of the spectacle is Trump’s supporters showing up in color-coordinated suits and ties. That’s a symbol of their solidarity. Impressive, right? Yeah, that’s snark.

As a result of that, though, The Neurons fed “Gotta Serve Somebody” into the morning mental music stream (Trademark undefined). The 1979 Bob Dylan song seemed so appropriate for those Trumpettes. Dylan sings, “You gotta serve somebody. It may be the devil, it may be the lord, but you gotta serve somebody.”

That works, right? Trump is the embodiment of the devil for about half of us. The other half has many who think Trump was sent by God. Many of us hearing that respond, “WTF?”

Anyway, that’s today’s theme music.

I urge you, remain positive about what can happen and be strong. It’ll help if you get out there and Vote Blue.

Coffee is being siphoned up. Here’s the music. Have a superb day. Cheers

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