Sunday’s Bumper Sticker

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  1. Hi Michael. Interesting thing about that. Do Something. When I was taking Kemo as a young man. Our instructor would say over and over.

    I don’t mind if you do it wrong, but I do mind if you don’t do something when attacked. Just do something. If you are unsure, if you don’t remember the moves, or if you are freezing up, just do something. It will come to you. If you practice enough your body memory will take over. But first you have to just do something. He stressed that to all of us white and yellow belts. Just do something. The rest will flow from that.

    I don’t know if that applies to other things in life, but I have learned over the years that when in doubt to just do something. It normally turns out to have been the right thing. Hugs. Scottie

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