Monday’s Wandering Thoughts

A deer came by this morning. I saw her strolling across the yard, nibbling at choice yard offerings. Then she settled down on a grassy patch by some bushes just off the front porch.

I wondered, is she the same one who came by three times last week to chill in the yard at night? We never exchanged names and the other one was in the dark, so I’m not sure.

Seeing her settled, I did my best to keep the noise level down as I closed windows and left the house to go write.

I didn’t want to disturb the resting deer.

2 thoughts on “Monday’s Wandering Thoughts

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  1. Hi Michael. Wonderful of you. I remember when we lived in NH we had a rescued Greyhound. We lived in the country and sadly there were hunters there also. So we had to put vests and sweaters on the dog as she did look like a small deer. One of the people on the dirt road back in the wooded lane we lived on had a tree stand and often during deer hunting season walking the dog I would look up and see him there with his gun. But often what I would see far more often was wild life, wild turkeys, small game, and yes small deer. Lucky for us while the greyhound had been trained to go after rabbits, she ignored other game, but did not like it if the turkey’s came too close to us. She would go after a turkey if it burst out too close to one of us. Imagine my surprise when walking her she slowed way down, then pressed against me making me basically stop. She kept pushing against my legs in front of me, trying to push me back. She clearly did not want me to go forward. I am smart enough I admit but just barely, I understood when she wanted me to stop something was a head she did not want me to meet. I stood there looking around wonder what was causing this. Then I noticed just off the trail about 6 to 10 feet from where I was, perfectly blended in was a small deer laying down, crouching just off the trail. Ginger, the dog, simply did not want me to keep walking toward the deer. I have to say I was clueless, the deer was the same color as our Ginger, as our greyhound, and blended in perfectly. I let Ginger nudge me back and then we turned and took another trail home. I always remember that sight. The deer was grand, beautiful. Just laying there off the trial. I often wonder why it did not bolt on my approach. She … I assume … looked right at us, showed no fear. I wonder to this day what the dog knew I did not. I am not a hunter nor a real woodsman, but Ginger did not want me disturbing the deer. I differed to her judgment on the matter, Hugs. Scottie

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