No Lost Sleep

Rudy Giuliani was found guilty of defaming Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Shae Moss, two voluteers at a Georgia voting station. As punishment, a jury decided he should pay the two volunteers $148,000,000.

Good. I have no sympathy for Rudy and will lose no sleep over this verdict. I hope it’ll teach him a lesson and shut him up, but that would be logical, and Rudy’s behavior has gone over the logic cliff.

2 thoughts on “No Lost Sleep

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  1. Hi Michael. Him and all those like him. Poll workers are hard to come by, it is long unpaid hours now full of people who distrust you and abuse you. This is part of a two pronged attack, discredit poll workers from any election a republican loses and get a bunch of new maga hard right poll workers that want to challenge any non-white person’s right to vote. Hugs. Scottie

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