Follow Up to Banned

This is all in reference to a post from last week where my preferred coffee shop banned a fellow customer because he told several baristas some things about his website, apparently among other things which happened.

I spoke with the manager about it briefly this morning. While she was reluctant to discuss it — I totally get that — she shared that there had been multiple incidents with the banned man. She said, “While we always try to work it out with our customers and try to accommodate everyone, unfortunately reached a head where we felt that we had to other choice. We know how serious banning someone is, and discussed it at length before we made the decision. It was a team decision. That’s how we always do it, so that we can talk out the pros and cons, and the impact. It wasn’t unanimous, and some were upset about banning someone. But the overwhelming majority felt it was needed.” She left that open-ended about why it was needed. Still, gaining a little more insight into it is useful.

4 thoughts on “Follow Up to Banned

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  1. Thank you. It’s still too bad, but of course, that business’s people know what they’re doing. Maybe a change for the better, in general, will take place.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah … it’s a tough call. I’d be inclined to let him be the first to make a move, but … again, a tough call since you don’t know the full story. Hugs ‘n cheers, my friend!


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