Tea and Toast

Sick today. Third day that I consider myself sick. I’d felt it coming on last week and tried to avert it, but by Sunday a cold was marking my throat and my head was congested and throbbing. It worsened Monday. Last night was unpleasant. Sleep has stayed away like it was afraid of catching my cold.

On a side note to that, it’s weird that toast and tea makes me feel so much better when I have a cold. Other than a tangelo, Larabar (key lime) and a cup of coffee while writing, tea and toast has been my sustenance for the past two days. That combo definitely makes me feel better. It might be a panacea effect because tea and toast is what’s always been recommended to me.

So, sick, not on my deathbed, but sick enough to ponder whether I could and should go out to write. I’d gotten about four hours of sleep last night and my head feels like Buddy Rich, Phil Collins, John Bonham, and Keith Moon are having a drum-off.

That lack of sleep left me vulnerable to phantom writing throughout the night. My WIP haunted me, and I felt it was an imperative that I write today. I wouldn’t do any (well, much) walking, but I would write.

So, it’s been successfully completed. Eighteen hundred words and some editing completed. But, my Ibuprofen has worn off, my ears are stopped up, and my nose continues its impressive Niagara Falls imitation. I’m done writing like crazy. Time to return home for some tea and toast.

The Norms

A young woman was in the coffee shop with her infant. She was meeting two friends. The three had a lively conversation going on.

They were located right beside me. The young mother had her back to me, but would look around at me every once in a while. I suspected that she wanted to breastfeed her baby, but was either concerned with my reaction, or didn’t want me to see it.

Either way, a woman breastfeeding her child isn’t something that bothers or thrills me. When she began breastfeeding, I noted her activity on my awareness’ edge but didn’t make any move to look, etc. I mean, one, I was busy writing. Two, really, a boob? And a feeding child? Is that something to get excited or upset about?

I don’t think so.

Tuesday’s Theme Music

I’d only recently learned that Dave Mason wrote this song. I knew that Traffic had performed it, but in my heart, this song always belonged to Joe Cocker. Whichever group or performer does it, the song always lifts me up. I loved it when he sang it in concert.

Hope it lifts you today, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing. Here’s Joe Cocker with “Feeling Alright” from 1969.



Floofrify (catfintion) – a cat making small cuts or scratches in something, such as skin; small lacerations a cat causes.

In use: “The little ginger floofrified the man’s hand with her eager play, rendering his skin punctured and bleeding.”


Have you noticed the rise of subscription services? Subscribe to a company, and for a price, they’ll deliver razors, socks and underwear, cigar food, beer, wine, or fruit, along with the more traditional things, like magazines and entertainment, every day, week, or month.

I’ve recently been metaphorically bludgeoned with offers for monthly cat food subscriptions (mostly for Chewy.com). A new twist (for me) was added today: cat litter. Yes, subscribe to Pretty Litter, and fill out their chart, and they’ll send you your required kitty litter each month.

I understand the attraction to subscription services. NetworkICE began by selling its computer security products, but we really wanted to be on a subscription model. A subscription basis makes budgeting easy for customers, and allows companies a smoother, consistent, and predictable revenue flow. Scaling up and down improves on both ends.

Still…I guess I’m startled that you can buy kitty litter. I thought the dental subscriptions and air travel being offered were out there, but I suspect this is the future.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen offered as a subscription service?

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