Sunday’s Theme Music

Mood: sumeagerness

We’re expecting a summerish time today, Sunday, May 19 2024, in the Churchill Valley. 65 F now, they’re predicting high temperatures of 84 to 88 degrees F for us.

Quite believable with sunshine commanding a staunchly blue sky. No clouds are in sight.

My plans for today include a nephew’s birthday party. He’s turning over the leaf on number 16, dig? Happy to be here to partake of the grub and fun and fete his latest advance. Sweet and now a slightly quiet and withdrawn person, he’s endured some health issues that undercut the joy and happiness that he used to perpetually manifest. I hope he can regain some of that. He’s a good-looking, talented, and intelligent person with a wonderful smile.

That’ll be at the littlest sister’s house. “The Littlest Sister”: could that be a novel title? Maybe a dark humor murder mystery? Sounds possible. But it could also be a YA about kids with powers. Those seem popular now. Or the concept could be taken into the children’s realm and built around the littlest sister as an animal — perhaps a cat? Conversely, the littlest sister might be a time traveler, perhaps even an alien, escaping dire conditions on another world and looking for help on Earth.

Yeah, maybe not.

I feel a little better about Mom’s situation today. I think I’ve set her up for someone to come in once a week to clean. Mom has known that person over twenty years, it’s a neighbor, and Mom had suggested her. So that all sounds perfect, right? Yes, except this is Mom. Changing her mind about matters — especially matters in the health and home realms — are a solid part of her history. She’s protective of her routines, privacy, and territory.

Les Neurons posted “Long Road to Ruin” in the morning mental music stream (Trademark flopping). The ’07 Foo Fighters song is about dissatisfaction with the status quo IMO, and an eagerness to change it or leave it. The point behind it is do something. That’s what I’m always urging myself: do something.

Coffee has been introduced to my corporeal being and I feel my energy rising. Stay positive, be strong, lean forward, and Vote Blue in 2024. Hope your weather suits you as much as I’m facing today.

Here’s the music. Cheers

The Writing Moment

It was the best of stuff and the worse of crap.

I’m working on two items in parallel: a new novel and a finished novel now undergoing its fifth revision.

The new project has that exciting blush attached. Unencumbered by an ending, story and characters emerge through flash floods of thoughts and poured through fingers and keyboards into the ‘puter, evolving into a novel. Great, let’s keep it going. It’s the fun, creative part, where anything goes. I’ll see if it works later.

Meanwhile, on the editing side, I’m facing the dark side of my process. The chapter under the knife in the finished novel makes me gag and cringe. What happened here? Why isn’t it working, I whine to myself. Can no one save me? Or it?

No, this is up to me. After working on it the other day, I shut it down and told myself, leave it for a bit. Let it vacate my mind. Let it ferment untouched and see what happens after the interval. Perhaps insights will arrive; or maybe it won’t seem as bad.

Good plan but when I took it back up, insights were like peace talks with Russia: nothing there. And it was just as bad as before. As waiting didn’t work, I’ve concluded, I’ll increase focus and concentration, drop back one chapter, and read back into it. On reflection, after writing that, I can see that I was confused about what I was writing about, feeling through it, and unsuccessfully capturing and refining what I know, what I’m showing, and its impact on the story. Part of that is that although the novel is in its fifth cycle of revision and editing, this chapter was added in during the fourth round. I thought it was needed; I still feel it might be, but I’m flexible on the matter. I’ll see how it flows.

Alright, time to coffee up so I can novel up and work through this revision.

Happy writing, y’all. Cheers

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