Sunday’s Theme Music

Mood: southeasterly

Woke up to a sunny Easter morning that had a freshly dyed blue sky. Wow, gorgeous, I told Papi. He studiously ignored me; cool cats aren’t seen talking to their people outside.

It was in the mid 40s then with an anticipated high of 58 F on the horizon. Now clouds cover the horizon and snuffs out the sunshine. It’s still just 46 but feels much chillier with a hidden sun.

This is March 31, 2024, the last day of 2024’s first quarter. How does your quarter measure in retrospect? Were you able to reach some goals, mark off some tasks, or pass some finish lines?

It’s a mixed bag for me. Definitely reached some goals, accomplished some tasks, and crossed some finished lines. Each felt rewarding or satisfying. Each also spoke up as reminders about how much more I have to do in multiple areas. Let the second quarter begin.

Not much planned for the day. Off to Sunday Brunch at a friend’s house. Twenty of us are invited. Each is bringing a dish or two. We’ll be set up outdoors.

I don’t think the clouds were invited but they’ve gathered like they’re going to be there, too. It’s become considerably darker.

For reasons known only to the most powerful of my Neurons Overlords, I have the Go-Go’s performing “Vacation” (`982) in the morning mental music stream (Trademark sunny).

Remain positive and be strong. Lean forward and Vote Blue. Happy Easter, if that’s your bag. Have a great day, no matter what your religion. Cheers

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