Saturday’s Theme Music

Mood: bent

Ashlandia, where people wear athletic gear except for five people in suits. It’s 68 F under a haze blanket with expectations of 91 degrees F. Today is Saturday, August 26, 2023, the last Saturday of August as it stands. The month sped by like excited electrons. We’re coming soon to the part of the time experience where the month changes once again. Coming up fast is the moment where the year changes once again.

Smoke? Yeah, it’s out there, a wall encircling the city, waiting to encroach. Folks I speak with are much like me, can we get some smoke-free time again? More than a few hours, more than a day? Long enough to start feeling better about existence and breathe some fresh air and get a few things done?

And there are whole areas where the summer has been worse for them. Imagine being in places in Canada where they’ve endured it all summer. Criminy.

The Neurons took up an odd route for today’s theme music. Opening blinds, doors, windows this AM, on alert for the perverting smoke, seeing that it’s somewhat clear — only unhealthy air today, woo-hoo! — I said to myself, I says, leave before the smoke comes in. Well, Der Neurons turned that into the Artic Monkeys song from 2006, “Leave Before the Lights Come On”, faster than you can say “Lock him up!” Never saw the video before today but it was another intriguing vid tale. Hope you watch it.

Now it’s time for the coffee race. Grab your cup. Ready – go! Stay pos and be strong. Here’s the music, and away we go. Cheers

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