Friday’s Wandering Thoughts

He read an abstract about the effects of chewing gum on mood and concentration, and then perused a paper. The abstract stated, “Recent evidence has indicated that chewing gum can enhance attention, as well as promoting well-being and work performance.”

Well, he could use all of that! He immediately went out and purchased several packs of different gums for his own experiment. One immediate finding was that gum prices have skyrocketed since he last purchased gum. But if it helped his attention span, well-being, and performance, it would be worth it.


Floofrock (floofinition) 1. An animal which is dedicated to a routine or extremely loyal to another animal or individual.

In use: “Rising at six thirteen in the morning every day, immediately checking on everyone in the household, and then insisting on punctuality for every meal before going to bed at exactly eleven PM each night, Jack was a floofrock par excellence.”

2. A person or organization who displays consistent devotion to the care, rights, and well-being of animals.

In use: “The many people who foster animals are a floofrock of the movement to stop animal abuse and animal testing. Their work is slow but persistent, and results are coming in.”

Friday’s Theme Music

Mood: positive

We’ve flipped the page over to Friday, August 4, 2023. It’s sunny and 67 degrees F in Ashlandia, where the buses are regular, and the schools are above average.

Papi the ginger wonder floof has forgiven us for going away at last. In a fine mood, he’s galloping about, playing games with me. Seems quite happy, though we worry about him. A cougar was photographed on someone’s front porch less than a quarter mile away. Another person noted that the neighboring housing area has had four cats disappear in the last few days.

Lot of road construction going on in Ashland. ADA ramps being added, roads repaved and striped, drain systems being addressed. Feels like there’s no main road where you don’t encounter a short delay for construction. Not a bad thing; employs people, improves the town’s appearance and makes it more inviting, and addresses problems which could cause damage or significant wear and tear on vehicles, along with ensuring that the systems function right when rain and snow seasons arrive. Think a lot of it was postponed during COVID interruptus.

Politics and legal matters still absorb a lot of my downtime. Most are related to Trump and how the GOP and Trump supporters respond to the indictment onslaught. While Trump and others are being charged with obstruction for knowingly spreading multiple big lies about the election being stolen, other Republican politicians continue that song with pause. This with the revelation that a Georgia billionaire who backs the GOP and supported Trump now saying that he no longer will because Trump et al keep making the same claims about stolen elections without offering any evidence.

That brings me to a Bob Seger song, “Turn the Page”. I feel like, come on, you’ve lost in court time and again for lack of evidence. Time to move on and turn the page. The Neurons agreed, plugging the Seger tune into the morning mental music stream (trademark re-discovered), It’s a fine song about life on the road as a performer.

Now give me a C. Give me an O. Give me — oh, just give me the coffee. Stay positive, be like a tree. Remember that expression? Here’s Seger and the band. Time to get moving. Cheers

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